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FILM: An Energy Revolution? FILM: Egypt: Tourism In Turmoil FILM: Employee Representation & Trade Unions
FILM: An Energy Revolution? Egypt: Tourism In Turmoil FILM: Employee Representation & Trade Unions
21 mins, 2007 German approach to renewable energy.

30 mins, 2014 Recent events in Egypt has shown how vulnerable tourism is to civil unrest

23 mins, 2012 How people get their voices heard at work.

FILM: Employment Law In Action & Contracts Of Employment FILM: Employment Law, The Employment Tribunal FILM: Empowering The People
FILM: Employment Law In Action & Contracts Of Employment FILM: Employment Law, The Employment Tribunal FILM: Empowering The People
23 mins, 2012 Problems at work – legal rights and wrongs.

30 mins, 2011 How does employment law affect people at work?

25 mins, 1992 Japanese approach in a UK factory.

FILM: Enterprise Case Studies 1: Winners & Losers FILM: Enterprise Case Studies 2: Technology & Innovation FILM: Enterprise Case Studies III: Starting Up
FILM: Enterprise Case Studies 1: Winners & Losers FILM: Enterprise Case Studies 2: Technology & Innovation FILM: Enterprise Case Studies III: Starting Up
45 mins, 2007 Case studies in starting a business.

35 mins, 2007 Start-ups with a technology angle.

39 mins, 2011 Three start-ups and the problems they face.

FILM: The Energy Question: Nuclear, Wind Or Fossil? FILM: The Entrepreneurs 1: Tossed FILM: The European Union Explained
FILM: The Energy Question: Nuclear, Wind Or Fossil? FILM: The Entrepreneurs 1: Tossed The European Union Explained
24 mins, 2011 The world debates which energy path to take.

27 mins, 2009 A salad bar chain start-up.

30 mins, 2014 The history, the structure, the arguments for and against the European Union.