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FILM: Medieval Life 2: The Black Death
FILM: Medieval Life 2: The Black Death

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32 mins, 2002       

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This film is a gripping and grizzly evocation of the devastation wrought by what was probably Britain's worst ever disaster: the Black Death of 1348.

The film explains the different kinds of plague, bubonic and pneumonic, and covers in graphic terms the terrible suffering which it brought to its victims.Powerful reconstruction brings to life the sheer horror of the sufferers and their loved ones. Up to half of the population of the country died. The impact of such a huge death toll is brought home in vivid scenes.

We also look at the consequences of the Black Death: how it changed the attitudes of the peasantry to the church and to authority in general.

Was it a factor in the Peasants' Revolt of 1381?
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